The Story behind the Salt & Souls Butterfly

Salt & Souls Butterfly

It started with the word “womb”. I was talking to my brother, a business expert, about my idea to open a salt spa. It was before the business plan, before the name, before the logo, before I knew if this could become a reality. My description of the experience of being in a salt cave went a little something like this:

“It is relaxing and comforting and nurturing, like a womb”

To which he replied, “Do NOT use that word in your business plan!”

When I said the same thing to my teen daughter, she replied, “That sounds disgusting.”

So, in the spirit of not turning people off from coming to a salt cave, I brainstormed a more palatable word and it came to me quickly: COCOON

Cocoons provide a protective and safe environment for metamorphosis. They are encompassing, warm, and nutrient filled. When the caterpillar emerges, it has transformed into a butterfly. The salt cave environment and halotherapy provides the same safe, warm, therapeutic, and energy rich space for us to transform physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

The concept of the butterfly in the logo symbolizes this transformation. And true to form, once I decided on the butterfly, I had 3 synchronicities of butterflies that day…realizing all along, that the butterfly represented me as well.


The Frequency of Gratitude