The Frequency of Gratitude

On Thanksgiving Day, we stop and become mindful of being thankful. It is also a practice for some, to write, speak, or think of 3 things they are grateful for every day. A gratitude journal has even made the list of daily healthy habits. How can focusing on things we are thankful for better our health and well-being? It comes down to science and frequencies.

Everything has a natural frequency and these frequencies can be measured. Gratitude has a frequency of 540MHz. Turns out, every emotion has a frequency, and joy and gratitude are amongst the higher frequencies.

If this sounds strange, think about the times you have walked into a room and had a “feel” about the room or the people in it. This is our bodies picking up on the frequencies in the room. Sometimes people or things resonate with us, sometimes they don’t. We have the ability to change the vibrational frequency of our own bodies. This is why, practicing gratitude can be beneficial.

Other ways to increase frequencies of gratitude without having to “think” about it are:

Listen to 963Hz music, use an essential oil like Adoratherapy’s Orange or Ginger Moodzee Roller Ball, or a spray like Kaliana’s Emotional Care Joy Fix-Me Mist.

In the context of the Law of Attraction, proponents suggest that maintaining a high vibrational frequency attracts positive experiences and energies into one’s life. Therefore, consciously incorporating activities that promote joy, love, and gratitude may contribute not only to personal well-being but also to the creation of a more positive and harmonious external environment. Who wouldn’t want that???


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