Pure Sodium Chloride (NaCl) is

  • Super Absorbent, when completely dry

  • Anti-bacterial

  • Anti-inflammatory

Halotherapy, from the Greek “halos” which means “salt”, is a holistic, natural, and drug-free alternative treatment that may benefit lungs, skin, and overall well-being.

History of Halotherapy

Salt therapy has its origins from the salt mines and caves of Eastern Europe. When a Polish physician, Feliks Boczkowski, noticed that salt mine workers did not experience respiratory issues or lung disease versus other miners, he founded and opened the first health resort facility at the Wieliczka Salt Mine in Poland in 1839. Since then, countries across the world have recreated these salt rooms so that people could experience the benefits of salt therapy.

Pharmaceutical grade sodium chloride is placed in a halogenerator, which grinds the salt into specific micro-sized particles and disperses the salt particles into the enclosed salt room. During a halotherapy session you inhale these tiny salt particles that are aerosolized into the air. These particles are thought to reach the respiratory system, where they may help to break down mucus, reduce inflammation, and clear airway passages. The smaller particles can reach beneath the skin’s surface and absorb moisture towards the skin. The larger salt particles land on the skin and absorb any bacterial and foreign substances. The dry salt accelerates cell rejuvenation and improves skin rigidity.

Beyond the potential physical benefits, spending time in a salt room can be relaxing and stress-reducing, which can have a positive impact on overall well-being.


Several studies have shown the benefit of halotherapy with: Respiratory Diseases, CysticFibrosis, Inflammation COPD, Bronchitis, and Asthma.

*While there are many clinical and scientific studies conducted on dry salt therapy (halotherapy) throughout the world, the FDA has not evaluated the statements made throughout this website. Dry salt therapy is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.